Endorsed by

Celebrating 25 years of advancing critical communications, TCCA represents all standard mobile critical communications technologies and complementary applications. Our Members are drawn from end users, operators and industry across the globe. We believe in and promote the principle of open and competitive markets worldwide through the use of open standards and harmonized spectrum. We maintain and enhance the TETRA Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) standard and drive the development of common global mobile standards for critical broadband. TCCA is the 3GPP Market Representation Partner for critical communications; supports the ETSI MCX Plugtests™ and our Members actively contribute in 3GPP working groups.

The DMR Association was established in 2005 to support ETSI during the DMR standardisation process. Today the Association counts almost 200 members, distributed over the globe, that are all leading DMR equipment manufacturers, many system integrators and application developers, major user organizations and network operators.
The main activities of the DMR Association are:
- Development of new functions and enhancements to the DMR standard in continuous collaboration with ETSI.
- Equipment interoperability and certification program for DMR networks and terminals.
- Provide education and information about DMR technology and its evolution.
- Support of Spectrum Regulators in providing technical support and expertise.
DMR Networks are deployed in over 100 countries across North and Latin America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East. DMR is a fully public, open standard backed by a huge variety of suppliers. Through this users have both the security of supply and the advantages of continuous, competitive development.

Association “GLONASS/GNSS – Forum” – is public non-profit organization established in October 2007. Association unites 50 leading Russian state and commercial enterprises, scientific and educational institutes, among them are developers of GLONASS system, designers of satellite equipment and users of satellite navigation technologies. The main goals of Association are – coordinates activities of its members in development, production and commercial use of GLONASS based equipment and applications; participates in governmental policy-making in the field of commercial use of GLONASS; cooperates with Russian and foreign partners in order to create the platform for investment appeal, material and technical resources and scientific expertise.
Apparatus of Association performs functions of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) Infrastructure Centre: preparation of proposals for existing roadmaps, generates a strategic vision for development, provides expert and analytical support to working groups, works with regulatory restrictions, and provides a communication platform for the formation of STI communities.

Internet of things association (IOTAS) is Russian non commercial, non governmental organization created in December 2016.
Our mission is to increase the life quality of citizens by introduction of IoT technology in private, business, governmental, educational and municipal levels.
Association carries the membership for all interested parties, who share our values.
IOTAS has a horizontal structure built on the basement of multiple connections between interested parties. We are not focused on any particular vertical technology, but rather trying to connect members, startups, state institutions, regulators, educational entities, industrial standards via our open expert platform.
Currently we carry more as 60 members with plan to reach 100 members by the end of 2017. Our members are IoT platform developers, tech and IT companies, telcos, educational organizations, cloud providers.
The work of the Association is done by its members in various working groups. Among listed in the right column, we have idle groups waiting to pick up: smart cities, IoT an biometry, IoT in agriculture.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

IT & Digital Directors Club
Our mission is to improve the competitiveness of the Russian economy through the "competent" use of IT.
Our asset is the IT leaders of the largest enterprises and organizations in various sectors of the economy.
Our region - All Russia
Directions of the Club's work:
- Improving the professional level of the Club members
- Formation of the "correct" image of the IT manager
- Professional and friendly communication
- Creation of a wide network of personal contacts